New Year

2021 Year End Wrap Up

Hey Spacers! It’s that time of year again – we look back on everything that happened and we plan for the next year. Personally, I love reflecting back on everything that has happened and look forward to the new year.

A lot happens in a year

2021 was an interesting year to say the least. While it was certainly better than 2020, we still have a long way to go in the world. For our business, it was one of the best years yet. We saw substantial growth, mostly in part of our acquisition of VoxVM, and we started positioning ourselves for expanded growth. We have grown into a larger space in our main data center in Lenoir, NC and we’re excited for the new products and services to come!

Looking forward

There’s a lot on the table and I’m personally very excited to share details with you as things happen. We have a lot of exciting things in the works. We’re going to be taking an expanded approach to VPS and private cloud hosting. As the larger providers struggle to provide cost-effective solutions that are reliable, as witnessed by two major outages at AWS within a week, small providers like ours are picking up the slack. As awesome as AWS is, it’s not the place to host a WordPress blog affordably.

Focus on free and open source

This year, we’re seeing the end of CentOS 8 and all of 2021, we’ve been putting a strong focus on AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. We’re actually an official mirror for both of these projects and we’ve contributed financially to both as well. In 2022, we are putting an even stronger focus on AlmaLinux. We’re also looking to upgrade our public mirror server to add in additional open source projects. We’re also still committed to using as much free and open source software as possible in our business.

That’s it for now, but we hope to see you in the new year as a valued client!

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